“Choose environmentally friendly travel itineraries”

environmentally friendly travel activities can be equally pleasant and fun let alone add on to travelers’ knowledge and experience while affecting the natural resource and environment the least.


These guidelines aim to preserve the environment and reduce the carbon footprint.
Purchasing eco-friendly products and merchandise helps minimize the energy consumption and carbon emission

1. Buy bio-degradable products.
2. Buy products that can be recycled.
3. Buy products that can be refilled.
4. Buy products with the packaging that can be recycled, for instance, glass bottle, etc.
5. Buy recycled products.
6. Buy green-labeled or organic products.
7. Buy products and services that are environmentally certified
8. Buy energy-saving and water-saving appliances , for example, the 5-labeled electrical appliance.
9. Buy energy-efficient vehicles, for instance, hybrid car or the automobile that runs on biodiesel or clean energy.
10.Buy product that was manufactured in environmental friendly process from the product design to its demolition.
11.Buy locally grown and seasonal produce to save the energy consumed in transportation and preserving them.

At present, eco-friendly activities has developed into various forms which not only are fun for tourists to part take, they are also educational. Key is to bring the strong aspect of the locale and turn it into various activities. TAT has been organizing many of these activities in Bangkok and the provinces, for example the two-wheel tour in Praj Lab Lae Town of Uttradit province where tourists ride the bicycle within the community. Not only it’s pollution free, it’s also a way of showing respect to the people and the places visited. Tourists also witness locals’ craftsmanship, learn how to process the produce and help built the dikes which is a lot of fun and beneficial to the community. The joy of achieving something together with the locals is priceless.